| Room: Plaisir A | Room: Ho-oh B |
| Invited Plenary Talks |
9:00-9:45 | Eric Walter and Michel Kieffer
Guaranteed Nonlinear Parameter or State Estimation for Knowledge-Based Models |
9:45-10:30 | Thomas C. Hales
Proving Theorems in Geometry by Computer |
Coffee Break |
| Optimization III | Software II |
11:00-11:25 |

A Reliable Method for Verifying Structural Optimality of Circle Packing Configurations in the Unit Square |

Arithmetic Data Types in Java |
11:25-11:50 |

Packing Equal Circles in a Square - Bounds, Repeated Patterns and Minimal Polynomials |

Computing A-Priori Error Bounds for Floating-Point Evaluations of Arithmetical Expressions |
11:50-12:15 |

Enclosing Solutions of Complementarity Problems |

Modifications to Expression Evaluation in C-XSC |
Lunch (attendees will be on their own) |
| PDE III | Computer Algebra, Symbolic Computation |
13:30-13:55 |
Masahisa Tabata
Discrepancy between Theory and Real Computation on the Stability of Some Finite Element Schemes |
Hirokazu Anai and Kazuhiro Yokoyama
Numerical Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition with Certificated Reconstruction |
13:55-14:20 |
Henning Behnke
Bounds for Eigenvalues of an Eigenvalue Problem with Non-Smooth Coefficients |
Rene Alt, Jean-Luc Lamotte and Svetoslav Markov
Numerical Study of Stochastic Algebraic Solutions to Linear Problems |
14:20-14:45 |
Shashikant Manikonda, Martin Berz and Kyoko Makino
A Highly Accurate High-Order Validated Method to Solve the Neumann Boundary Condition Problem for the 3D Laplace Equation |
S. Graillat and Ph. Langlois
Approximate Polynomial Problems and Associated Tools |
14:45-15:10 |
Teruya Minamoto
Verified Numerical Computation of a Double Turning Point for the Perturbed Gelfand Equation |
Eva Dyllong and Wolfram Luther
Verified Distance Computation between Octree-Encoded Objects |
Coffee Break |
| Nonlinear System II | Applications III |
15:40-16:05 |
Stefan Ratschan and Zhikun She
Reach Set Computation for Hybrid Dynamical Systems by Constraint Propagation |
Marco Kletting, Andreas Rauh, Harald Aschemann and Eberhard P. Hofer
Consistency Tests in Guaranteed Simulation of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems with Application to an Activated Sludge Process |
16:05-16:30 |
Wolfram Luther
Verified Computation of Continued Fractions Representing Minimal Solutions of Discrete Matrix Riccati Equations |
Marc Gennat and Bernd Tibken
Simulation of Uncertain Systems with Guaranteed Bounds |
16:30-16:55 |
Kyoko Makino and Martin Berz
Range Bounding Using Taylor Models |

From Intervals to Domains: A General Description of Validated Uncertainty, with Applications to Geospatial and Meteorological Data |
16:55-17:20 |
Kohshi Okumura
Method of Multiple Scale for Electronic Circuit Analysis |
Kenta Kobayashi
Numerical Verification of the Global Uniqueness of a Positive Solution for Nekrasov's Equation |
Break |
| Optimization IV | Fundamentals of Interval Arithmetic |
17:30-17:55 |
Kentaro Moriya and Takashi Nodera
A New Scheme of Computing the Approximate Inverse Preconditioner for the Reduced Linear Systems
(The presentation by Prof. Chin-Yun Chen has been canceled.) |
17:55-18:20 |

Lower Bounds for the Optimization Problems Related to Atom Clusters |
(The presentation by Prof. Abbas Edalat and Prof. Dirk Pattinson has been canceled.) |
18:20-18:45 |
Nathalie Revol
Convergent Linear Recurrences (with Scalar Coefficients) with Divergent Interval Simulations |
(The presentation by Prof. Aline B. Loreto, Prof. Roberto da Silva, Prof. Laira V. Toscani, Prof. Leila Ribeiro, Prof. Dalcidio M. Claudio and Prof. Liara S. Lealhas been canceled.) |
18:45-19:10 |
Roumen Anguelov
Interval Viscosity Solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation |
19:15- |
Closing Ceremony |